Saturday, June 21, 2008

Is This Really Happening?

My parents and youngest sister Lina drove to Utah with my middle sister Karina this past week. The really sad thing is that on Monday when they start heading back to Georgia they'll be leaving Karina there. She's starting college!! This is so crazy! Is this really happening? It's weird being a big brother to three younger sisters. I get overwhelmed with the feeling that I just don't want them to grow up. I think it is a protective instinct that comes from subconsciously wanting to protect them from the harder things adult or young adult life brings. Or maybe I just can't accept change. Either way I get so worked up thinking about it. I know that they need to grow up and date, go to college, and have their own experiences with things, but for some reason it is still really difficult for me. Lettitia laughs at me because I get bent out of shape hearing about my sisters dating and doing things with boys. She just doesn't understand. They're my LITTLE sisters! They're not supposed to like boys.
Well, Lettitia is right, I know that I'm pretty ridiculous, and since I can't stop them from growing up or liking boys I guess I'll just have to deal with it. I love Karina and will miss her, but I'm excited for the experiences and fun she'll have on her own. Now, I've got to come up with a plan to keep Lina away from boys. We'll see how that goes!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Well, it's father's day and naturally it's got me thinking about my father and the other father figures in my life. I'm very grateful for the influence and example my father was for me. Also, I was thinking about how great it was to have grandfathers in life. I was fortunate enough to grow up with both of my grandfathers around a lot. You know, during those teenage years when you wish your parents would just go on a permanent vacation, it was helpful to have a grandfather to talk to and to give you the advice you needed to hear, but didn't want to hear from your parents. So, hurray for fathers! The grand kind and the regular kind.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Inaugural Post

So, since getting an internet capable cell phone, I've been reading a lot of friends and families blogs. It got me wanting to start a blog, but for a while I lacked the giddy up to do it. I kinda wondered what I would ever even write in a blog, but when my niece, Rachel Taylor, started her own blog she inspired me enough to finally do it. So.....welcome to me, and hurray!


So, today in my Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships class we talked about some things that got me thinking. We talked about how physical appearance and attractiveness tend to affect the way we view others, and treat them. The professor asked for examples from students who may have seen this or participated in this. As the class was discussing the topic and sharing examples, I became increasingly aware of my own shallow judgements of those I had merely laid eyes on. For example, recently I saw a billboard featuring the radio personalities of a morning show I listen to often and it totally changed what I thought of them. Before seeing what they looked liked I thought they sounded like pretty cool guys. When I saw them on the billboard my first thought was "what a bunch of losers." I'm ashamed to say that after thinking about it, I make those kind of snap judgments about people often. It seems to be one of those sad,but true parts of human nature. Well, I hope to be able to overcome the natural man, and become slower to judge others.